On Wednesday 17th September 2014, our practice will be participating in the national Oral Cancer Awareness Day. Latest figures show that more than 6500 people are diagnosed with oral cancer in the UK each year and it is one of the few cancers where numbers continue to rise. Three out of every four people affected by oral cancer are diagnosed by their dentist and, although it is heavily linked with smoking, oral cancer can affect anybody. Screening for oral cancer is quick and painless and forms part of a normal dental check-up. It is vital that everybody is regularly screened for oral cancer and as part of Oral Cancer Awareness Day our practice will be offering complimentary appointments for oral cancer screening. These appointments will be available to everyone and are ideal for people who aren’t registered with a dentist or those who may not have seen a dentist for some considerable time.
Please contact us on (01629) 812991 if you would like any further information on Oral Cancer Awareness Day or registering as a new patient at the practice.
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